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We are a Project Capital Funds Company that represents the interests of very wealthy top-end individuals but very private investors worldwide. We help our investor’s source for any profitable business/project that needs funding.

Investors Interest Areas:

Our investors’ main interest in investment ventures are e.g. oil and gas, Technology, Agriculture, Mining in minerals, hospitality business, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Industrial Production or in the Health Care Sector of Pharmaceuticals and Devices as well as for other business ventures ETC.

We provides sophisticated forex, bullion and commodities trading solutions to institutional and private investors.

Our Institutional clients include banks, global and regional hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks and non-bank financial institutions. These are equally split between Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Private clients range from individual private traders through to experienced business people managing both personal and family assets.

Project Capital Funds Limited is the largest brokerage by volume in the Middle East and one of the fastest growing forex and investment companies globally.

Project Capital Funds Limited offers:

  • Execution – we are continually investing in our technology in order to provide you with the fastest execution
  • Price – our access to deep liquidity is reflected in some of the best prices anywhere in the world
  • Support – we offer 24/6 support and 24/5 trading

Regulated by the Bank of England, Project Capital Funds Limited is a very well capitalised company. The financial strength of the company has allowed on-going investment in technology; access to tier one liquidity providers and the provision of a very high level of client support.

Located in a stable and secure marketplace, Project Capital Funds Limited is a new force in global trading. The company is focused on providing the consistent spreads and prices institutions and individual are looking for. Located between the Far-East and Europe Project Capital Funds Limited helps bridge flows and maintain liquidity from the closing of Singapore through to the opening of London.